+995 0322 946460
6 დღე

Tbilisoba 2016

Tbilisoba – one of the most exciting holidays of the autumn harvest and the city’s foundation in Georgia – Day of Tbilisi. It takes place every year in the month of October. There are fairs, processions, concerts and sports events. Awarding honorary citizenship of Tbilisi by the city government also occurs in the framework of Tbilisoba. &nbsp...

ტრეინინგ ტური

Unique offer: trainings in tourism and traveling in different parts of Georgia Learning, traveling and recreation at the same time! You will have two weeks training course and interesting tourist routs as well. This program will give you an opportunity to enlarge your knowledge in practice and have a good rest in Georgia at the same time. “Training and Travel” gives you an opportuni...

10 დღიანი ტური

روز اول انتقال  به فرودگاه و شام روز دوم – شهر تفلیس بعد از صبحانه اتومبیل ما همراه با راهنمایی جلوی هتل منتظر شما...


Какие секреты хранит в себе древние Колхидские земли? Что же не удалось похитить Аргонавтам? Визит к царю Аиэту и его мудрой дочери Медее, демонстрация интеллектуальных и физических способностей инаходка сокровища, которое по сей день хранится в Колхиде. Играй вместе с нами!