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Become the favourite of Matrix

The players are devided into 10 groups 10 people in each. As soon as they arrive at the hotel each group receives a link in which a virtual matrix explains the rules of the game. He also tells them that he looks for a favourite  group. The favourite will become the group which finds the hidden  treasure first. A lot of people tried to find it but in vain. At the end matrix tells them...



Welcome! You are in one of the most important place for today. It’s better not to waste time. I’ll explain why you are here. In the era of high technologies, when people began to live in virtual reality and gave their own freedom to the machines, you are the last hope. The favourite! Only you can find the treasure, which will save us from the rule of the artificial intellect. If you...

1სთ 12+


2060. Quantum leaps are no longer fictional. You represent a team of scientist working on Time and Space travel Machine. During the final trials something went wrong and one of your colleagues got lost in another reality. Find a way to control the portal before all other spaces of our universe get mixed up! You have to bring your colleag...

1სთ 6+


You got hold of a game that pulls you into an unknown world and puts your life at stake. You are in between the worlds: your attic and wild jungle. Will you be able to return safely? In the jungle, you can’t relax even for a second, otherwise you’ll be eaten by previously unknown wild animals or killed by the local inhabitant...

1სთ 10+


One of the most frightening conquerors in history, powerful Genghis Khan – the Khan of Mongol Empire – was buried in a tomb along with his treasures over 700 years ago. Since then, hundreds of treasure hunters and archaeologists have disappeared trying to seize his wealth. You have found your way inside Genghis Khan’s t...